Will humanity be the asteroid or the fern?

Are we the planetary wrecking ball or the species that rises from the ashes and endures?

Will humanity be the asteroid or the fern?
A trio of woolly mammoths trudge over snow-covered hills. | Illustration by Daniel Eskridge/iStock

“The Asteroid and the Fern: A paleoecologist on what the past can teach us about climate change” is a great essay written by Jacqueline Gill that appears in the new book, Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story From Despair to Possibility, edited by Rebecca Solnit and Thelma Young Lutunatabua.

I especially appreciate this quote: "What could we accomplish if we stood together and faced the danger? What seeds might we plant today that will one day take root above our bones? What if the future was better than the past? What if it was beautiful?"

Read the full story here.

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