The US banned incandescent lightbulbs last week

The rapid global adoption of LED bulbs in the past two decades marks "one of the fastest technological shifts in human history."

The US banned incandescent lightbulbs last week
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

The US federal government officially banned the sale of virtually all incandescent lightbulbs last week. The new rule is expected to cut 222 million tons of CO2 emissions by 2050, equivalent to the annual emissions of 28 million homes.

Way to go, USA! But also: took you long enough. The EU banned incandescent bulbs in 2012 and Canada followed suit two years later.

This Distilled article offers an interesting look at the bulb ban and how the rapid adoption of LEDs over the past two decades "marks one of the fastest technological shifts in human history."

It also points out that many important climate-solving technologies today are around the same place development and cost-wise as LEDs were back in 2010 and notes, "The story of this technology does, however, prove that change is possible, and sometimes the distance between unthinkable and inevitable is smaller than one might think."

Read the full article here.

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