Scientists say they've developed a process for transforming methane into green hydrogen and carbon

File this one under "good news if true!"

Scientists say they've developed a process for transforming methane into green hydrogen and carbon
Photo by Monika Kubala / Unsplash

Researchers at the University of Central Florida say they've developed a process for using renewable energy sources to convert methane into hydrogen and carbon, without releasing harmful emissions or contaminants. According to this article, market applications for this process could include large-scale production of hydrogen in solar farms and the capture and conversion of methane.

This could be a good way to transform methane that's being currently being captured from landfills such as Freshkills Park on Staten Island, NY into usable energy and materials. It would be nice if we could capture methane from industrial emissions or the atmosphere and use it for this purpose as well – but according to this Scientific American article, we're still really far away from being able to do that.

I'm all for exploring every option available to us to shrink our global gas emissions and use renewable sources of energy to power our world. And I really hope that scientists do figure out a way to capture carbon dioxide and methane successfully from industrial emissions and the atmosphere sooner as opposed to later – that would be amazing. In the meantime, I hope the fossil fuel industry doesn't take science stories like this one and use them to justify not taking immediate action to shrink their current insane levels of methane emissions.

What are the chances, do you think?

Read the full article here.

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