LINKS OF THE WEEK: Feb 12, 2024
Interesting stats on EVs and energy use in the US, developments in wind and tidal power, a plastic recycling microfactory, and an "unprecedented collapse" in EU fossil fuel generation.
The IEA-OES has released a roadmap on how the world's leading nations can develop 300 GW of ocean energy by 2050 – creating 680,000 jobs and removing over 500 million tonnes of carbon emissions in the process.
The International Energy Agency has released a new roadmap outlining a comprehensive strategy to drive the development of 300 GW of ocean energy by 2050 – creating 680,000 jobs, contributing $340 billion to the global economy and preventing over 500 million tonnes of carbon emissions in the process. As someone who lives in a coastal community, I say this with my whole chest: good news if true!
The roadmap, created by the International Energy Agency's Technology Collaboration Program on Ocean Energy Systems (IEA-OES), projects that to achieve this ambitious target, the world's 20 leading nations will need to build or upgrade 100 ports so they each have the capacity to deploy 300MW of wave and tidal stream energy technologies per year by the mid-2040s.
I know a lot of people side-eye wave and tidal energy because of how brutal the ocean environment is to manmade technology. But when I see pilot projects for technology like AW-Energy's WaveRoller system, I really hope they bear fruit. Green energy solutions that take maximum advantage of a region's geography and natural resources seem like the best way to ensure a robust and resilient energy system.