Maybe the "Tragedy of the Commons" doesn't have to be?

Who knew the guy who wrote ""The Tragedy of the Commons"" was a virulent racist who used concerns about environmental scarcity to justify racial discrimination?

Maybe the "Tragedy of the Commons" doesn't have to be?
Photo by REGINE THOLEN on Unsplash

Who knew the guy who wrote ""The Tragedy of the Commons"" was a virulent racist who used concerns about environmental scarcity to justify racial discrimination?

According to this Scientific American article, University of California professor Garrett Hardin was a "racist, eugenicist, nativist and Islamaphobe" whose argument that humanity's inherent selfishness makes it impossible for us to share common resources equitably is flat-out wrong.

Hardin also promoted an idea called "lifeboat ethics" that argued rich people should throw the poor overboard in order to keep their own boat from sinking, so... yeah. Amazing to think that his ideas have heavily influenced how we think about society and our relationship to each other and the world around us for DECADES.

Read the full story here.

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