France is fighting to save your phone from an early grave

Prosecutors in France have launched an investigation into allegations that Apple is designing iPhones in a way that intentionally limits their lifespan.

France is fighting to save your phone from an early grave
Photo by Joel Rohland on Unsplash

According to this Wired article, prosecutors in France have launched an investigation into allegations that Apple is pursuing a business model of planned obsolescence and designing iPhones in a way that intentionally limits their lifespan. ("All signs point to yes," says the magic 8-ball.)

The article says this is the first time a country has taken action against planned obsolescence at the national level. France has been at the forefront of the right to repair movement, introducing Europe’s first repairability scoring system and enacting a 2020 anti-waste law that promotes better resource management from the design stage to the recovery of materials, as well as better and more transparent product information for consumers.

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