DEGROWING PAINS: after mass consumerism, what comes next?

An in-depth exploration of the degrowth movement versus the "neo-developmentalist left" position that advocates for green growth to spur decarbonization.

DEGROWING PAINS: after mass consumerism, what comes next?
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

This Baffler essay by Justin Vassallo offers an in-depth exploration of the degrowth movement versus the "neo-developmentalist left" position that advocates for growth to spur decarbonization and believes that "a final round of Keynesian stimuli will propel humanity toward a new international political economy, one which at last unyokes human development from capitalist growth."

Uhhh... it me? 😬😆 I agree with what Vassallo says about the failure of neoliberal austerity, that's for sure. And while I also agree with much of the degrowth perspective, I still feel like their seeming focus on "doing without" and rejection of many of the technological perks of modern society will make it hard for them to rally the masses behind their vision.  

(If I've learned anything from the marketing world, it's that you inspire more long-term loyalty and engagement when you appeal to what people WANT and stand to gain – as opposed to focusing on what they DON'T want and risk losing or suffering through. Pain is a powerful attention-getter – but if you poke that nerve too often, they will tune you out and avoid you.)

Read the full essay on degrowth here.

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